Ground Burnt Aglime

Ground Burnt AgLime (GBA) is a calcined material with a higher neutralizing value (typically >130%) used as a soil conditioner and in certain cropping situations. 


GBA is fast acting. Application rates and timing are dependent upon many variables such as soil type, crop variant, season and local climate. GBA should not be applied without consulting your soil fertility specialist or agronomist for specific crop advice. GBA products are available in bulk or sacks. Please contact our sales team to enquire about GBA. 


Ground Burnt Aglime is currently available from our Traralgon plant in Victoria, Australia.


Ground Burnt Aglime should not be used as a top-dressing material direct onto pasture and should not be mixed with seeds when sowing.  The best results are obtained if GBA is lightly incorporated as soon as possible after application to tilled soils, prior to rain or irrigation. GBA will absorb moisture from the atmosphere, so it is recommended that it is used as soon as possible after dispatch.  

Safety is paramount, as GBA is highly alkaline and a thorough risk assessment should be conducted prior to handling GBA to ensure all potential hazards are appropriately managed and controlled.

For test certificates including more details such as neutralizing value please contact our sales team

Did you know?

Lime is among the oldest and most vital materials used by humans. Most ancient languages have a word for calcium oxide. In Latin it is calx, from which the name of the element calcium is taken.