Lime in the Steel Industry

Lime is an important ingredient in the production of steel. We work together with our customers to solve problems and define solutions that aid our steel customers to succeed in this highly competitive industry. 


There are many uses of lime in the steel industry including the following three:

  • Lime is used to convert iron into 'pig iron'. In the blast furnace, finely ground or granular limestone (with a low sulfur and alkali content) is used together with finely ground lime to convert ore into pig iron. The pig iron is later processed into steel.
  • Lime is used as a fluxing agent in electric arc furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces. Lime removes impurities (for example, silica, phosphorus, sulfur) from the steel being manufactured. The lime fuses with the impurities to form slag, which separates from the steel and is removed. This process improves the quality of the steel.
  • Lime is also used to enhance the refractory life of the furnaces. The magnesium oxide (MgO) in dolomitic lime reduces the tendency of steel slag to dissolve the MgO within the furnace refractory.

In addition to the widespread use of our non-blended lime and limestone products, Graymont develops and supplies custom blends of these materials to suit the needs of our customers. We provide solutions that will help our steel customers succeed in this highly competitive industry, maximizing their production and helping them to meet quality requirements.

Graymont's hydrated lime can also be used for miscellaneous applications in steel making including as a lubrication agent when drawing steel rods, pH correction in wastewater and for bathing finished steel products. Hydrated lime is also sometimes used as a whitewash coating on the steel.

Please refer to the related products shown or contact our sales team to enquire about our product range. 

Did you know?

Limestone, the most important and abundant sedimentary rock in the world, is formed by the compaction of the remains of coral animals and plants on the bottoms of oceans.