Community Relations

Engaging in a meaningful way with key stakeholders such as governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and communities — including First Nations and Indigenous peoples — is a prerequisite to successful operation and to building a sustainable long-term future for the organization.


Graymont believes that the foundation of being a good neighbor is open and honest communication. Accordingly, we endeavor to be proactive in communicating our plans and seeking community input, so that concerns and potential issues can be identified and addressed early on and factored into our decision-making.

Like all companies, Graymont is somewhat constrained in terms of available time and resources and the need to simultaneously address multiple priorities. Nevertheless, we strive to contribute in a significant way to the well-being and quality of life through investments in community programs, projects and activities, and by encouraging and supporting employee involvement in the broader community.


Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous Peoples Policy

The following principles guide us in our efforts to build and maintain effective long-term relationships:

Mutual Respect

  • Graymont is committed to recognizing the unique rights of Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous peoples as well as understanding and respecting their history, customs, beliefs and traditions.
  • Graymont is committed to earning the respect of Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous peoples.


  • Graymont is committed to listening and communicating openly and honestly.
  • Graymont is committed to consulting in a timely and culturally appropriate manner as well as proactively engaging Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous peoples to ensure protection and enhancement of their communities.


  • Graymont recognizes and respects Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous peoples’ special relationship with the land and the environment. We take our obligations to the land and our responsibility to operate in an environmentally responsible manner seriously.

Graymont is committed to building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous communities that are based on respect and trust.

We are focused on creating value in many areas including the following:

Education and Employment

  • Supporting Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous peoples in developing their potential and increasing their ability to pursue rewarding careers with Graymont and other areas.

Enterprise Development

  • Working closely with Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous businesses to find mutually beneficial opportunities for supplying goods and services to our operations.

Community Development

  • Investing in opportunities to build capacity for future progress while supporting Aboriginal, First Nations and Indigenous Peoples’ cultures, traditions and priorities.