In New Zealand, agricultural lime has been vital to the success of the dairy industry. The application of agricultural lime is a natural way to encourage pastural growth with minimal effect on the environment
Agricultural lime lifts soil pH. This reduces the negative impact of aluminium and manganese in low pH soils. Improved soil pH also encourages worm and bacterial activity. This activity aerates the soil, improves drainage and enhances grass and clover growth. In addition, good soil structure helps decomposition, making nutrients more readily available to plants. This promotes healthy root development, essential for healthy pastures.
If used correctly, Graymont’s high quality AgLime can significantly contribute to on-farm productivity and profitability by cost effectively improving soil conditions.
Soil testing is essential to assess nutrient levels prior to applying agricultural lime and to gauge whether a farm is in need of capital or maintenance inputs. Where a large increase in soil pH is required, capital application of agricultural lime is best. This is where lime inputs are far greater than the usual levels required for maintaining pH.
Graymont’s Aglime is renowned for its consistency. This is achieved through our commitment to daily product testing. We also make sure that Aglime moisture content is managed by introducing and controlling water at appropriate times during the application season.