New South Wales Reporting

NSW pollution monitoring and incident response

Graymont is committed to reducing pollution impacts from its operations on the environment. In New South Wales (NSW), Australia, Graymont is regulated by the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, and by the nature of its operations is the holder of environment protection licences (EPLs) across most of its mining and processing sites in Australia.

Graymont’s environmental management system drives continuous improvement in reducing adverse impacts on the environment. Through monitoring and the development of site-based, pollution incident response management plans, Graymont is able to facilitate efficient and effective response to pollution incidents. These plans identify the pollution hazards on site, the proactive mitigation of risks and the response process in the event of a pollution incident.

A critical component of the pollution incident response process is the timely notification to relevant stakeholders, including regulatory authorities and neighbouring premises.

The following links provide access to Graymont’s environmental monitoring data and pollution incident response management plans – public notification procedures, as required under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, and the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009. Data is available from March 2012 and is updated as received.

Download monitoring data sheets for:

Download incident response plans for:

For enquiries or more information, contact us on 1 814 353-2114.